
Just Imagine
Fourth generation resident asks to turn the Ashton Meeting Place into a reality

Imagine a place where I can sit and talk to my neighbors and friends or just relax in front of a sparkling fountain.

Imagine a grocery store in my own hometown so I don’t have to travel five miles or more to purchase food.

Imagine an improved sidewalk system in our town so we don’t have to worry about the safety of our citizens.

Imagine not having to sit in traffic one mile away from my town because of an inadequate intersection.

Imagine being able to make a left turn onto New Hampshire Avenue without fearing for my safety and the safety of others.

Imagine enjoying a lovely summer evening with my family while listening to a summer concert in my hometown.

Imagine seeing a building in my hometown that finally captures the essence of the Ashton Master Plan.

Imagine having a meeting room where people in the community can gather to discuss local business and current affairs.

Imagine a centerpiece for our wonderful town that we all can be proud of and share for generations to come.

Please tell me this is not just a dream. Please turn the Ashton Meeting Place into a reality.

Tedd Conner, Ashton

The writer is a fourth generation resident of Ashton.

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