This meeting was held on August 7, 2007 at 7 p.m. at the Ross Boddy Center in Sandy Spring, Maryland. Adjacent property owners, local HOA’s, and any individual that expressed interest in Ashton Meeting Place were notified of this meeting via web site and mailing attached notice per list provide by Josh Sloan at MNCPPC.
Approximately 64 people attended this meeting. Sign in sheet attached.
Fred Nichols (FN) provided an introduction and a brief overview of the charette that took place on July 12th, 2007.
Phil Perrine (PP) gave a timeline of the project up through the present date. PP gave descriptions of the site plan, buildings & building uses, parking, architectural & building materials, and elevations.
Project size change from 100,000 sq. ft. to 74,000 sq. ft.
Questions from the audience:
1. Will there be parking between buildings 5 & 6 in the fire lane?
2. Please explain the different building materials including roof.
3. Where are the food store pick-up locations? Are these spaces included in your parking accounts?
4. Are there any special exceptions in this plan?
5. Where is the on-street parking for New Hampshire Avenue and Route 108?
6. Please explain residential locations and potential elevations.
7. Please explain the type of store, potential size and potential tenant.
8. Please explain the parking / traffic / pedestrian flow patterns around site
9. What is the number of parking spaces above and below the parking deck?
10. Please explain the building entrances.
11. Please explain the signage for the individual buildings and shops.
12. Please explain the pedestrian flow from Route 108.
13. Please explain the location of parking under buildings
14. Is there a breeze way between buildings #4 and #5?
15. Please explain the underground parking via elevator to upper levels.
16. What is the elevation of buildings in relation to ground and current street levels?
17. Why did the original plan no have home sites and why does this plan have them?
18. Will the single family homes have TV repair shops?
19. Please explain the location of the bank drive thru lanes.
20. Please explain lower level access to food store via elevator.
21. Please explain charette participation and advent of Miche Booz site plan concept.
22. What does back of grocery store look like? Materials?
23. Please provide a description of what houses look like.
24. Please explain the lighting on top of deck, street lamp locations.
25. Parking on New Hampshire and route 108- was this a State Highway Administration decision?
26. Will a Licensed registered landscape architect prepare the plans?
Tedd Connor of Chesapeake Watershed Solutions described the landscaping aspects of the new plan and the impact on the site including wetland enrichment process, removal of invasive species and producing a more eye pleasing environment.
Additional Questions:
1. After year zero will the developer be required to continue to maintain the landscaping plan?
2. Please explain the location and functions of the current storm water management plan and what it will be once the proposed site is finished.
3. Are you going to be able to keep the existing mature trees?
4. What is the number of parking space usage during peak hours?
5. What is the level of moisture in the current wetland site?
6. Is the underground parking going to have police monitoring, it potentially could be a very dangerous place for a woman in the evening.
7. Is the northeast corner MD 108/MD 650 going to be a Sheetz?
8. What is the elevation of the street parking to the top of the parking deck?
9. What is the height of the parking garage?
In conclusion, FN spoke of the necessity for the project to be approved as quickly as possible so funding from the SHA is not compromised.
The meeting was approximately 2 hours and 18 minutes inclusive of individual questions after the meeting was concluded.