Ashton Meeting Place Revises Plans in Response to Citizen Request
Plans for Charming Village Center Keeps Getting Better and Better
The Developers of Ashton Meeting Place unveiled revised plans to a group of more than 150 people at a public meeting held at Ashton Methodist Church on Saturday January 14.
Revisions to the proposed development include:
- Increase the amount of green space and enhanced with water feature and additional landscaping
- Scaled down façade facing Rte. 108 by 30 feet
- Further improved façade facing Rte. 108 with enhance architectural treatments and building materials
- Increased the number of residential units
- Increased the amount of underground parking spaces
- Successfully worked with the State of Maryland to improve traffic at the intersection of New Hampshire Avenue and Rte. 108
- Dedicated a large space on the second floor of the bank for community use
- Reduced the height of the façade tower
"We are extremely pleased with the revised plans and the developer's willingness to listen and make improvements," stated, Gene Mirkin, a resident of Ashton. "Many people in the community are looking forward to a place that will give a greater sense of community to Ashton."
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